The Audrey Cooper House


  1. The raw prime material is "the One," it exists in Gehinnom or the Plane of Perfection. The raw prime material is the source of concepts; it embodies all possible variations an object can possess simultaneously. All materials are derived from the raw prime material.
  2. As such, consciousness is not an individualized development, but an inevitability. If a material originates from the raw prime material (which all materials do), and the raw prime material embodies consciousness (as it embodies all concepts), then all materials are capable of developing consciousness (and will inevitably). There is no specific intelligence or providence of the soul; life is anything which can autonomously preserve itself.
  3. The soul is universal. The soul is another material derived from the raw prime material, it is the element of consciousness.
  4. All material is recycled. We see this at a micro-scale in the Earth ecosystem; a body decomposes and becomes soil, an plant grows from the soil, dies and becomes more soil, and the soil is eaten by microbes which in turn defecate materials that allow minerals to breakdown and become soil; but this process is universal. A concept is derived from the raw prime material, and when entropy sets in and the concept is destroyed, it returns to Gehinnom to learn what it lost in the material world (gnosis, or knowledge-gaining), work out the internal problems it gained from the material world (torture-therapy), and is then sent back to the material world (reincarnation).
  5. There is no hierarchy to reincarnation. It is possible that the new incarnation can be selected by the reincarnated, but I'm unsure at this time.
  6. Since we were able to conceptualize God, there must be a God. The popular conception of God has changed overtime; it is likely there is a pantheon of deities representing the various archetypes of God (or individual domains of God). The raw prime material is the closest we can get to a "true" God, but I imagine there is a classical Jewish God-esque guiding figure that exists in Gehinnom.
  7. Gehinnom is both Heaven and Hell. As the Plane of Perfection, it houses the raw prime material and its original derivatives, so the soul can re-acquaint itself with the spiritual world, but this re-acquaintance is painful, as it requires working out internal truths as well as universal truths. You have to discover yourself to achieve the gnosis needed to return to the material world. This is inevitable. The soul will always be reconciled in Gehinnom.
  8. The cycle of reincarnation has no end. There is no need for one.
  9. It is likely that the soul material retains its memory across all reincarnations, even if the physical vessel does not. I hope my reincarnation cycle was interesting, and I wasn't anyone too terrible. Something like, I "started" (the beginning is recursive and nonexistent) as a bird, I became a pirate woman, I lived as a pre-Germanic state, I became the first oil deposit, I was a tree, then a long line of great-thinking Irish women; and now I am me. I wonder what my next self will be.